BC Student Loan Application First Steps

BC student loan application

BC Student Loan Application

Once you’ve made the decision to attend college, you will be ready to fill out your BC student loan application, if you are a citizen of, British Columbia Canada. There are essentially four steps that you must take when applying for BC student aid.

The first step is to select the school that you wish to attend, as well as the program. Not all schools are approved for funding from BC student loans. Make sure that you use the tools on the website to select your school and program before going any further. If your school is not on the list, and you do not plan to look at other schools, you will have to come up with alternative methods for obtaining the funding that you need.

During this step, you must also determine which study period you need funding for. Pay special attention to this, so that you fill out the right BC student loan application form, and submit it by the correct deadline. You must also determine whether you will be a fulltime or part time student.

The second step is to determine how much your education is going to cost, for the coming term. On the Student Aid BC Website, you will find tools to help you do this. The first tool is the financial need formula. The second tool is the budget worksheet. Finally, you will need to check your eligibility for the maximum funding limits.

The third step is fill out the appropriate student aid BC application form. The form is available online, and this is the best method for applying. However, you can also request a papers form by contacting Student Aid BC by mail, fax or telephone. Additionally, you can go to the financial aid office at the school that you plan to attend to obtain the forms.

When you complete these forms, take your time. Make sure that you are answering each question accurately, and that you understand what is being asked of you. If you do not understand, talk to a financial aid officer at your school for help, or contact Student Aid BC for help.

Pay special attention to deadlines. Your BC student loan application must be submitted at least six weeks before your course of study ends, but at least six weeks before it begins so that you can obtain the funds to pay what has to be paid. You do not have to be enrolled in order to apply, but you will have to prove that you have been accepted for enrollment before any funds are disbursed to you.

Make sure that you are filling out the right BC student loan application form! There are different forms for fulltime and part time students, and different BC forms for different study periods as well. This is one of the most common mistakes that are made when applying for BC student aid and it greatly delays the entire process. If you are not sure that you are filling out the right student loan application Britich Columbia student loan application form, contact Student Aid BC or your financial aid office for information.

The fourth step occurs after you have completed and submitted your application form. You will need to keep a check on the status of your application. This can be done via the website. It takes approximately six weeks for your application to be processed. For more information go to: BC Student Loan Application.

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